cwegattendedthe2ndchina public-欧洲杯在线开户
2016-08-15 co-hosted by the china ppp center and shanghai financial association, the 2nd china public-private-partnership financing forum was held at shanghai international convention centre on aug. 15 & 16, 2016, attracting more than 1200 attendees, including experts, scholars and representatives from relevant ministries and commissions, local governments, project implementation agencies, the private sector, and domestic and foreign financial institutions. the forum had in-depth discussions on topics like “ppp in china” and “global infrastructure financing outlook”. cweg vice president fang yong was invited to deliver a speech.
fang yong emphasized in his speech that the ppp project should allow the full participation of another “p”, i.e. the people, to empower them to enjoy the fruits of ecological civilization. taking the dali erhai lake wastewater interception project, guiyang nanming river water environment management project, and guang’an “clean water action” regional water environment management project as examples, fang held that the change of governmental ideology and the technical strength of private partner are the key to the success of a ppp project. he suggested that the government should move to further advance the ppp model, and establish a database for scientific evaluation of ppp project performance. at the same time, the funds earmarked by various ministries and commissions in china should be used reasonably to subsidy project operation at the later stage for the long run, rather than investment at the early stage, thus reducing the financial burden on the local government.